I’m the Founder of the Tax Debt America Project.

20,000 conversations with tax debtors and have a couple opinions…

This has made me an informal...

  • Therapist - helping people recognize issues that block them from success with respect to tax debt.

  • Coach - encouraging my clients to continue the journey to fix this part of their lives.

  • Philosopher - pondering the mistakes people have made in not only the tax area - but in many other life areas as well.

This gets me asking questions about parenting, education, career choice. I’m eager to learn about the story behind the information there’s a lot to learn.

Join me as I think outloud and explain my world through “the information” lens. I might talk about talk about tax sometimes too but will do my best to make it interesting and relevant.

I do love reading - when you end up talking about a book you read years ago, it’s meeting an old friend again. Check out what I’m reading.

I think I’m starting to figure out why Twitter is so cool.