I love books and shelves full of books.

Currently Reading

  1. Range by David Epstein, started Feb 2021

  2. Cat’s Cradle (audiobook) by Kurt Vonnegut, started Feb 2021

  3. The Windup Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami, started Feb 2021

  4. Reasons to Stay Alive (audiobook) by Matt Haig, started Feb 2021

  5. The Humans (audiobook) by Matt Haig, started Feb 2021

  6. Very Important People by Ashley Mears, started Feb 2021

  7. Who thought this was a Good Idea by Alyssa Mastromonaco, started Jan 2021

  8. Good Morning, Monster (audiobook) by Catherine Gildiner, started Jan 2021

  9. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig, started Jan 2021

  10. Deacon King Kong, started December 2020

  11. Figuring by Maria Popova July 2020

  12. Better by Atul Gawande. July 2020

Not only a quote from “The Social Animal” by David Brooks but a lens through which life can be explored.

Not only a quote from “The Social Animal” by David Brooks but a lens through which life can be explored.